Soulmate Client Spotlight: How Haley Gained Confidence & Created Lasting Change!

I met Jess through her mom, who was introduced to me through The Ladygang Podcast. When you purchase the hormone testing kit and consultation with Candace, you also receive Jess's nutrition guide and a consultation with Jess. I felt really excited to start making some changes after talking to Candace and I was really grateful to receive the nutrition guide, but I wasn't really sure how talking to someone biweekly about my diet and exercise routine would benefit me if I'm to be honest. What I didn't understand is that it was so much more than talking about my diet and having someone hold me accountable. It was about having someone there to support and guide me in the right direction through all aspects of my health (physical, mental, spiritual, social, etc). It wasn't just recapping my food diary for the week. In fact, we rarely did that. We talked about how I felt and I realized that was so much more important than having someone to just hold me accountable.


She was teaching me how to not only hold myself accountable, but she helped me not see it as such a negative thing. I thought being held accountable meant calling myself out, but it was more about learning how to respect myself enough to listen to my needs. She taught me how to be healthy without feeling like I was making sacrifices. I learned to see everything as a choice. I really saw a difference when I started journaling and visualizing my intentions. I won't lie to you and say that it was easy because it wasn't. There were times that I wanted to give up, but those were the times that I was even more grateful to have her in my life because she was there to remind me that all this pressure that I was putting on myself was the real problem (not the decisions that I wasn't the most proud of). I'm not a failure, I am a work in progress as long as I continue to pick myself back up.


As I said before, Jess isn't really there to talk about your diet. If you want to go over your food diary, she will definitely do that, but she also offers so much more. She offers you the opportunity to work through those deeper things that are holding you back from living your best life. I think as most of us now know, our weight is affected by so much more than just the food that we put into our mouths. And if you aren't focusing on yourself (no self-care practices), then you probably won't be able to really change.  I also want to say that if you are like me and saw pictures of Jess before you had your consultation and felt imitated, I promise you don't need to. I'm not sure Jess knows this, but I thought I wouldn't have much in common with her because she didn't look like she had faced the same weight struggles that I had been through. I really didn't think she would understand. But what I hadn't realized is that we had very similar thoughts and struggles with our body images. We both had tried just about every diet under the sun, we both felt like we held back on doing things because of our issues with weight and we both felt like slaves to diet and exercise. So what I'm saying is if you saw a pic of Jess and thought, "How will this gorgeous, skinny chick understand my struggle?" You aren't alone, but that really isn't the case here. She can totally relate to you. She is so sweet and kind as well. She really is your own personal cheerleader.

Jess really helped me through one of the hardest years of my life and I'm so grateful to her. I never felt judged or misunderstood by her. We worked together for a year and a half, and I feel like I would have to write a novel, if I went over everything I learned and gained over that time. One thing I can say that I saw a big difference in is setting boundaries. I used to feel like I had to give all of me all the time. I didn't feel like I could say no, but Jess showed me that although it is something I will just learn to become mindful of, there are small steps I can take to make it easier.


With Jess, she teaches you will be reminded to have patience. She really taught me how to focus on bettering myself and accomplishing my goals beyond our time together. There are so many other things I could touch on like the online courses, the retreat (which my mom came to and it was such a life changing experience for us both) and the conversations that lead to me making one of the best decisions of my life to live abroad. All of which, I am beyond grateful to Jess for, but those are all just examples of how passionate Jess is about her clients. She is such a loving, beautiful soul. She is truly one of a kind. I wouldn't trade my time with her for anything. I am forever changed. I'm living in South Korea now and having the best time of my life all thanks to her taking an hour out of her day every two weeks to talk to me. You don't realize the impact those phone calls are making, but looking back, I see all the change and it's incredible. I'm not sure I can express all the changes, but I feel like even if you just looked at my lifestyle and even pictures (I didn't want to take pictures, but now I love taking them) from when my journey with Jess began to now, you can see that I'm changed. I'm more in the moment, grateful and positive. Thank you Jess. I'm forever grateful. I love you so much and can't wait to see how you continue to change lives!